Senin, 23 November 2015

PDF⋙ Treating Dairy Cows Naturally: Thoughts & Strategies by Hubert J. Karreman

Treating Dairy Cows Naturally: Thoughts & Strategies by Hubert J. Karreman

Treating Dairy Cows Naturally: Thoughts & Strategies

Treating Dairy Cows Naturally: Thoughts & Strategies by Hubert J. Karreman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

With much thought and research, Dr. Karreman describes how cows can be treated for a wide variety of problems with plant-derived and biological medicines. Drawing upon veterinary treatments from before synthetic pharmaceuticals, and tempering them with modern knowledge and clinical experience, Dr. Karreman bridges the world of natural treatments with life in the barn in a rational and easy-to-understand way. In describing treatments for common dairy cow diseases, he covers practical aspects of biologics, botanical medicines, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and conventional medicine. This book should serve as a useful reference for years to come.

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