Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Tommy McKnight and the Great Election (Presidential Politics) by Danny Kravitz

Tommy McKnight and the Great Election (Presidential Politics) by Danny Kravitz

Tommy McKnight and the Great Election (Presidential Politics)

Tommy McKnight and the Great Election (Presidential Politics) by Danny Kravitz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

After a 10-year-old boy is stricken with polio, he must wear braces on his legs and walks with a limp. He becomes sad and depressed because he can no longer participate in the activities that used to bring him joy. On top of that, bullies pick on him and make fun of him because of his disability. But when the boy learns that Franklin Delano Roosevelt also has polio and yet he is running for president, the boy is inspired to stand up to the bullies and run for student government.

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