Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A manifesto for the future (Routledge Environmental Humanities) by Arran Gare

The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A manifesto for the future (Routledge Environmental Humanities) by Arran Gare

The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A manifesto for the future (Routledge Environmental Humanities)

The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A manifesto for the future (Routledge Environmental Humanities) by Arran Gare PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The global ecological crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to confront, and humanity is failing. The triumph of the neo-liberal agenda, together with a debauched ‘scientism’, has reduced nature and people to nothing but raw materials, instruments and consumers to be efficiently managed in a global market dominated by corporate managers, media moguls and technocrats. The arts and the humanities have been devalued, genuine science has been crippled, and the quest for autonomy and democracy undermined. The resultant trajectory towards global ecological destruction appears inexorable, and neither governments nor environmental movements have significantly altered this, or indeed, seem able to. The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization is a wide-ranging and scholarly analysis of this failure.

This book reframes the dynamics of the debate beyond the discourses of economics, politics and techno-science. Reviving natural philosophy to align science with the humanities, it offers the categories required to reform our modes of existence and our institutions so that we augment, rather than undermine, the life of the ecosystems of which we are part. From this philosophical foundation, the author puts forth a manifesto for transforming our culture into one which could provide an effective global environmental movement and provide the foundations for a global ecological civilization.

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The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A manifesto for the future (Routledge Environmental Humanities) by Arran Gare EPub

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