Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Educational Leadership and Organizational Management by Victor C.X. Wang, Bernice Bain, John Hope, Catherine A. Hansman

Educational Leadership and Organizational Management by Victor C.X. Wang, Bernice Bain, John Hope, Catherine A. Hansman

Educational Leadership and Organizational Management

Educational Leadership and Organizational Management by Victor C.X. Wang, Bernice Bain, John Hope, Catherine A. Hansman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book is intended for students, leaders and managers who wish to explore the personal relevance and conceptual bases of educational leadership and organizational management and to develop their expertise in this field. It is a book written for both scholars and practitioners. The general public will also appreciate the accessible language in the book.

There are two goals in the experiential learning process. One is to learn the specifics of a particular subject matter, in this case, educational leadership and organizational management. The other is to learn about one’s own strengths and weaknesses as a learner. This book is focused on the analysis of prevalent theories and concepts and their application to the development of leadership and management skills, and the knowledge and attitudes required to solve real world problems in the workplace.

For decades, students have focused their studies of educational leadership and organizational management theories in classroom settings without actual opportunities to apply these theories in the workplace. A profound and significant lesson learned in history is that we must follow the principle of integrating theory with practice (unity of theory with practice). Then, we can follow the policy of walking on two legs, an analogy made by the late Chinese chairman, Mao Ze Dong.

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Educational Leadership and Organizational Management by Victor C.X. Wang, Bernice Bain, John Hope, Catherine A. Hansman EPub

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