When Totems Fall by Wayne C Stewart
When Totems Fall by Wayne C Stewart PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A stunning new coding technology has allowed the People's Republic of China to lock up control of American nuclear forces, paving the way for an unthinkable aggression: the annexing of the greater Seattle/Puget Sound area into a new Chinese province. Jaded Afghan/Iraq War Vet Zeb Dalton and young Chinese businessman Junjie Zang are all that stand in the way of millions of Americans losing everything they've ever known, while the rest of the world shudders at the chaos of a completely reshaped stage of world powers. Dalton holds the skills necessary to reverse this state of affairs, but will he rise above his own past, or simply sink into helplessness alongside three million of his countrymen? For his part, Zang has made a terrible bargain. Developing and handing over the new tech has brought unexpected wealth and a bright future, while morally impoverishing himself and his country in the process. He knows he must act, but can one man actually stand against the unjust actions of an entire government? Set in both the greater Seattle/Puget Sound Region and Mainland China, "When Totems Fall" provides a compelling cast of characters in a geopolitical thriller with a too-close-for-comfort storyline.From reader reviews:
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